# Thursday, April 12, 2007

This morning, as I wanted to start working, I noticed my server wasn't working... Outlook couldn't connect to Exchange and the ReSQueL website was down as well. The server still had power, but no response (not even the keyboard LED for NumLock). So a power-cycle was next, well at least half of it, power down worked, power up didn't.

Absolutely nothing happened! Now I must admit, I've been there before with that type of system (not just my own). So I pulled the power cord and left the system for about 10 minutes, then tried again. This time I heard some ticks coming out of the power supply unit. And believe me, ticks from the PSU is not a good sign about the health of the thing.

However, I did have another unused ATX cabinet with PSU, so I tried transferring the internals of the old system to the replacement cabinet. Unfortunately, the TP123 motherboard has an extra power connector for the CPU core voltage. So putting power on the board worked, but (as expected) it didn't boot.

Not wanting to extend the downtime much further, I grabbed the car-keys, drove to Office Centre (cash and carry beats a webshop when you need something NOW!!!) and bought the cheapest config with 1 GB internal memory. Back home, I tested if the system worked. It did. Next I added the old disk and an extra network card and booted the system from the old disk... BOSDed and rebooted right away. But since the config is totally different, that shouldn't be too surprising. So I fetched the Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 DVD and started the repair installation. Finally some time to sit down and write some... if all is well, this is on the blog (and the blog available) little over 5 hours 6 hours after I noticed the server down... always fun when you don't have the drivers for your new system (only the Vista drivers supplied)... NOT!

Hardware | ReSQueL | SBS