Recently I had a lot of pingback spam coming into my blog and I can tell you, it's more annoying than in your mailbox (Shift + Del and it's gone again). With dasBlog, it takes a little more effort, either via the admin interface or by deleting the spamvertised tarckings from the dayentry xml files. I even disabled trackback and pingback, temporarily!
Also I searched for solutions to this and came up with a several other affected blogs and With Akismet being the most promising, I tried, but spam kept coming in and Akismet was timing out (currently running dasBlog 1.9.7067.0.).
Error:The external spam blocking service failed for pingback from Original exception: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() at Subtext.Akismet.HttpClient.PostRequest(Uri url, String userAgent, Int32 timeout, String formParameters) at Subtext.Akismet.AkismetClient.SubmitComment(IComment comment, Uri url) at Subtext.Akismet.AkismetClient.CheckCommentForSpam(IComment comment) at newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Core.AkismetSpamBlockingService.IsSpam(IFeedback feedback) at sourceUri, String targetUri)while processing /ssb/PermaLink,guid,e63313c2-6f4d-434f-8a62-09f82a4b534c.aspx.
Hmm, if someone has some suggestions, I'd be happy to read your comment.
And that was about the spam coming in, I also had a nasty amount already polluting my blog. I could resign, disable *back permanently and clan manually once more... or fire up Visual Studio and write a piece of newbie/n00b code. Well the newbie pulled it off, his first useful C# program. At least, it removed the spammings from my blog.
So if you want to get rid of;
And you know that you try the followig stuff at your own risk and made a backup of your blog's content folder.
Disclaimer: It worked for me (dasBlog 1.9.7067.0.), it may not work for you and you use it at your own risk. However, feel free to comment with question, suggestions or other stuff.
<UPDATE date="2007-06-18">Version released, learn more here</UDPATE>