# Saturday, June 9, 2007

Recently I had a lot of pingback spam coming into my blog and I can tell you, it's more annoying than in your mailbox (Shift + Del and it's gone again). With dasBlog, it takes a little more effort, either via the admin interface or by deleting the spamvertised tarckings from the dayentry xml files. I even disabled trackback and pingback, temporarily!

Also I searched for solutions to this and came up with a several other affected blogs and akismet.com. With Akismet being the most promising, I tried, but spam kept coming in and Akismet was timing out (currently running dasBlog 1.9.7067.0.).

The external spam blocking service failed for pingback from http://9qk-information.info/56369818/index.html. Original exception: System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() at Subtext.Akismet.HttpClient.PostRequest(Uri url, String userAgent, Int32 timeout, String formParameters) at Subtext.Akismet.AkismetClient.SubmitComment(IComment comment, Uri url) at Subtext.Akismet.AkismetClient.CheckCommentForSpam(IComment comment) at newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Core.AkismetSpamBlockingService.IsSpam(IFeedback feedback) at newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Services.PingbackAPI.ping(String sourceUri, String targetUri)
while processing /ssb/PermaLink,guid,e63313c2-6f4d-434f-8a62-09f82a4b534c.aspx.

Hmm, if someone has some suggestions, I'd be happy to read your comment.


And that was about the spam coming in, I also had a nasty amount already polluting my blog. I could resign, disable *back permanently and clan manually once more... or fire up Visual Studio and write a piece of newbie/n00b code. Well the newbie pulled it off, his first useful C# program. At least, it removed the spammings from my blog.

So if you want to get rid of;

  • http://9??-free-porn.info/*
  • http://9??-information.info/*
  • or whatever disliked pattern of tracking permalinks on your dasBlog.

And you know that you try the followig stuff at your own risk and made a backup of your blog's content folder.

  • Compiled file (console application, run without parameters to see what you have to do to get it working. Then make the config file and if needed, edit it.). Requires .NET Framework 2.0.
  • Source-code (Visual Studio 2005, C#)

Disclaimer: It worked for me (dasBlog 1.9.7067.0.), it may not work for you and you use it at your own risk. However, feel free to comment with question, suggestions or other stuff.

<UPDATE date="2007-06-18">Version released, learn more here</UDPATE>

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