# Monday, June 18, 2007

Earlier I posted about pingback spam and a little tool I created to remove the spamvertised links, today I upgraded the tool from version to version So what's changed;

  • The updated version doesn't leave empty Tracking elements after removing the spamvertied entries. From the dasBlog Eventlog I suspected that too many empty Tracking elements were causing errors in the trackbackList macro.
  • An XML file is only written back if something changed in the file.

Source and executable files have been changed.

--- So how does the tool work? ---

First create a config file

RemoveSpam "C:\My Config Folder\RemoveSpam.xml" /config

Look in your dayfeedback-files for the spamvertised PermaLinks (or you may already know about them if you have Notification Settings enabled for pingback and trackback). It's the PermaLink pattern that matters:

   <TargetTitle>Today's bad start</TargetTitle>
   <RefererExcerpt />
   <TargetTitle>Today's bad start</TargetTitle>
   <RefererExcerpt />

The pattern for the second Tracking entry is already included in the default config file, so you would only have to add the pattern for the first Tracking entry. To do so, you only need to add the following XML-element in the Configs section:

<Config Pattern="*-le-informazioni.info/*" />

With the updated config file, you can now run the tool to clean all XML-files in your content folder.

RemoveSpam "C:\My Config Folder\RemoveSpam.xml" \\MyWebServer\My_dasBlogShare\content

Next is figuring out why Akismet isn't working for me.

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