There is nothing fancy about this post… just a little frustration. I wanted to compress files after they were processed with SSIS 2005. And with compression, I mean NTFS-compression, not creating a .zip or .gz (because that is what I mostly found through the search engines).
My first path of research was to do it in a Script Task, but it turns out, invoking the compression attribute of files on NTFS requires C# and can’t be done with VB.NET. So it’s a no go in SSIS 2005.
During the search, somewhere the compact.exe program in Windows was suggested as an alternative. Very useful from an SSIS perspective, it means the Execute Process Task is required. To make it all happen, three things are needed;
Configure (Collection Page) the Foreach Loop Container as Foreach File enumerator, point to the folder where the files reside and retrieve the file names as Fully qualified. Depending your requirements, you may also specify an additional mask and include subfolders.
Next visit the Variable Mappings tab and point to the previously created variable listed as User::filename.
Next is the Execute Process Task. But first a little on compact.exe, to compress a file, compact.exe should be called with the /C flag and the name of the file to be compressed. Something like C:\WINOWS\System32\compact.exe /C "D:\ftp\archive\dump_001208.csv"
In terms of what the Execute Process Task expects, the Executable should be set to compact.exe. The arguments should be /C "D:\ftp\archive\dump_001208.csv" and since the filename is supplied by the variable, an expression should be used. On the Expressions tab, create an expression for Arguments. With the expression designer, create the following expression
"/C \"" + @[User::filename] + "\""
The important part to recognize is that expressions are largely built on C-style syntax (download the PragmaticWorks white paper SSIS Accelerator Series: Working with SSIS Expressions to learn more on SSIS expressions). The arguments expression should return a string, hence the opening and closing double-quotes. The filename, which is supplied by the @[User::filename] variable (drag and drop the variable in the expression designer) should be enclosed within double-quotes too. For SSIS to recognize that these double-quotes are part of the string it should return, the double-quotes need to be escaped (using the backslash). To confirm the expression is correct, use the Evaluate Expression button. The evaluated value should return /C "" (slash + C + space + double-quote + double-quote), once the filename variable is filled, it will appear between the two double-quotes.
Enclosing the filename in double quotes prevents files with spaces in the name from causing errors. There could be other errors though, like a file being locked. With current configuration, the package would stop and throw an error on the first occurrence of this condition. To prevent the package from failing in that event, set the FailTaskIfReturnCodeIsNotSuccessValue property of the Execute Process Task to false.