In a few hours I’m going to find out if my preparations (and expectations) match up with the exam (or should that be the other way around?).
Anyway, here is the final post on the preparations, covering IIS. On top of that, I’ve updated Preparing for 70-649, part 7 of many with the IIS stuff and some extras on activation and WDS.
IIS is huge and not only in terms of its share in the question pool (as reported in many experience reports in on the Internet). Surely I’m pointing at IIS.NET (, even than a sub selection is required. So let me sum up the resources I used, though I must admit I had next to no clues on what to prepare for other than a lot of command-line stuff, in other words: appcmd.exe.
First I had to get in the mood ;)… so I picked two webcasts (I had their links stored sometime when I was browsing resources).
Live From Redmond: Putting the Lego set together: Inside IIS 7.0's Componentization
There is an audio problem in the original webcast starting just after 18 minutes and lasting for about 2 minutes, nothing wrong with your PC (yes, I did restart the presentation).
Exploring the Future of Web Development and Management with Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 (Level 200) I was tempted to only view the admin part of the webcast (~50 minutes), but sitting through the full webcast gives you a good view of what the modularized approach for IIS 7 means in terms of extensibility.
After the webcasts I went through the IIS 7 Resources and read all articles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) in “Explore IIS 7”. Just to get the complete picture. A lot of these pages have a “Learn more … ” as their next/last page. This “Learn more” page has undoubtedly useful links, but after having clicked a few I decided to keep away from them to properly manage my time. Note that having viewed the webcasts makes the reading easier.
Basically I wanted to continue reading the rest as well, but that would present an information overflow, which would probably not be relevant to the exam. I already had my doubts if I wasn’t drilling too deep anyway. Looking at the skills in the prep guide, 14 out of 16 skills towards IIS are configuring. What I learned so far from the resources; configuration is stored in XML files machine.config, applicationHost.config and web.config. What I learned from the comments, emphasizing the importance of the command-line, appdom.exe will be the tool to edit these XML files.
I started taking up the configuration tasks with FTP, based on the 9-page guide from In this paper the configuration is done against the bare XML for several different scenarios. In preparation terms, I’ll label this link Resource M_1.
Next was configuring certificates, where I was surprised to learn that appcmd.exe is could not be used for a lot of certificate related configuration tasks (Resource M_2).
This link might address two skills, as I’m not sure to what extend the words components, modules and handlers are used interchangeably (Resource M_3).
A link that (in a very simple way) satisfies three skills is this one, labeled Resource M_4.
This link will hopefully satisfy another 3 skills (well, one already covered by M_4), labeled Resource M_5.
In the configuration corner for rights, permissions and authorization, you should have gotten a pretty good impression from the second webcast, but here are the four links I think add some information. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Resource M_6).
There wasn’t information on backup. But hey, how hard can that be… check out appcmd backup /?, by now you should know the IIS team got their act pretty well together.
SMTP is another story, I haven’t looked deeper in there, other than just install it. To me it seemed nothing changed from Windows Server 2003, it even requires all the IIS 6.0 bits to be installed. Then again, the prep-guide could be hinting at configuring SMTP so your apps can send mail.
And finally UDDI, well next to nothing to be found on UDDI on the, at UDDI points you in various developer directions. Also Microsoft, SAP and IBM seemed to have the plugs pulled on the public UDDI business registry. This makes UDDI an enterprise niche, which will require cooperation between developer teams and corporate administrators. In other words, UDDI should have no place in a MCTS exam and I’m going to take my chances here.
All information in the resources (with exception of M_2) focuses at the underlying XML-configuration, so armed with this knowledge I started to test my skills with appcmd.exe in a VirtualLab. Unfortunately I ran into some troubles with the lab (which all by itself should take just a minute or 10 (out of 90) to complete, so I booted my own VM to play appcmd.exe a bit more. The thing I liked in the VirtualLab was the inclusion of appcmdUI.exe. Speaking of appcmdUI, life with appcmd.exe can become a lot easier; check out Kanwaljeet Singla’s appcmdUI.exe, after the exam... don't get used to it yet ;). Or use one of the other options to manage IIS7;
- GUI administration
- Edit the files directly with your favorite XML-editor
- PowerShell